General Meeting in London

We are a year old now. Our first anniversary concluded on October 11 and 12 with a General Meeting at the campus of the University College of London (UCL) located in the center of the British capital.
All project members were present at meeting in order to present all the work developed so far during the last months.
The three project trials, Spanish bathroom furniture manufacturing company, Royo Group, aerospace giant Airbus from Seville, and the Italian robotics manufacturer COMAU tried the different advances made by our technological partners in Augmented Reality (AR) that will allow workers to perform learning activities using AR goggles such as Microsoft HoloLens. These workers will be guided step by step so they can be proficient in their tasks, performing them correctly at their workplaces.

Moreover, during the meeting, all technical partners presented the latest technological advances in the exoskeletons. One of the prototypes allows facilitating the arm elevation thus easing shoulder tension. The other prototype will assist in the lifting of heavy loads, thus alleviating the stress on the lumbar region and lower spine. The latter was already tested at Royo headquarters last spring where Royo workers tried a prototype while performing their daily lifting activities.
To end this successful meeting, a roadmap was traced with the upcoming tasks to make sure the project continues in a successful path in its second year. Concretely, during the following weeks and before year end, different technical partners from the project will come to Valencia, Spain, to try the AR and VR (Virtual Reality) prototypes at Royo Group’s shop floor. Stay tuned for a report of this activity.
Great meeting