General Assembly in Milano

HuMan’s started 2019 with a project meeting hosted by our friends of Holonix in the Italian city of Milano. The event lasted two days from the 22th to the 23th of January. This was a very important meeting since the project ends in September of this year and the validation scheduling of the HuMan technologies, called services, needed to be set.

During the first day of the meeting, project work packages presentations were addressed, but the main objective of the meeting was to schedule the evaluation of all HuMan services by their corresponding end users. The service evaluation consists of one or more studies, each of which may entail multiple evaluation activities that need to be described in detail to allow for credible and realistic planning of the remainder months in the project.
Studies in the end are associated to an end user visit and consist on a service owner (technology provider) meeting with the corresponding end user (manufacturing company) in order to evaluate its service. These visits needed to be scheduled something particularly challenging, since end users are commercial companies that have very limited slots to have people in their facilities moving around. However, all sessions could be arranged in the end, and are expected to happen during spring and summer.
HuMan’s own three end users are Spanish bathroom furniture manufacturer, Royo, aerospace giant, Airbus, and Italian robotic manufacturer, COMAU.

The general assembly meeting ended with all objectives met. We now look forward to the next upcoming months where HuMan services will be put to the test with the final validation by our end users.
Stay tuned for more news, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest and greatest 🙂