European Robotics Forum 2017
Human partner, the Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation, LMS, was present at this important event to show the possibility to apply an exoskeleton to the industry, what are the challenges and the new developments in this direction, as well as the assessment that will be performed in a virtual environment, such as the VR cave, with the aim of improving the developed exoskeleton.

The main objective of this special session is to bring together the leading research and industrial community in a) Biomechanics, b) Control Engineering, c) Machine Learning, d) Neurorehabilitation, e) Physio-Ergonomy, for discussing the recent developments, trends, challenges and concepts on assistive exoskeleton technology. Via the brainstorming of new ways of interconnecting different scientific and technological backgrounds for the conceptualization of multi-purpose exoskeletal appliances, the final outcome of this workshop will be the roadmap for future actions and collaborations in robotic exoskeleton technology.