Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction
Date: 22-26 October 2017
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Event site
HuMan was present at the Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 2017 (ACII’17) where our project member, University College London by the hand of Nadia Berthouze and Youngjun Cho, presented and demoed the thermal camera-stress detection system: This system is being integrated into the HuMan platform for automatic stress detection at shop floor.
Approximately 300 from academic, industry and media sectors were present at this conference where dissemination of HuMan project took place at the main venue for Affective Computing. This is the main Affective Computing event (biennial conference).
As a result Youngjung Cho was invited to give a talk in December at the Computer Science Department, in Cambridge, UK.