Home Furnishings and Accessories Strategies Group
Date: 23 November 2017
Location: AIDIMME HQ, Valencia, Spain
The Club de Estrategias del Hábitat – CEH or Habitat Strategies Club in English, is a market innovation service geared to all managers of the habitat sector, the Home Furnishings and Accessories sector. This service is managed by experts of the AIDIMME’s Strategy and Market Analysis department with ample experience in the development of intelligence competitive systems and market projects for the habitat sector companies.
The CEH is open to all companies within the sector value chain (suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors). Its members gather every six months to discuss about the market evolution and the competitive situation within the sector. In addition, they receive publications periodically on the main industry variables and trends reports.
This last November 23rd it took place in AIDIMME headquarters located in Paterna, Valencia, another of the biannual meetings of the CEH. In this occasion, our project HuMan was introduced, its main objectives, and the expected results.