Testing of HuMan Augmented Reality in Royo Group

HuMan project members University College London, Highskillz, Sintef, LMS, AIDIMME, and bathroom furniture manufacturer Royo Group met at Royo’s headquarters in Quart de Poblet, Valencia, to start testing one of the project’s main services, the Augmented Reality.
Known in HuMan as Knowledge In-Time (KIT), this service that will trigger Augmented Reality, AR, interventions to deliver the required knowledge to the operator when they require it. KIT achieves this by interpreting and making sense of the signals captured from the sensors, reasoning when the operator requires assistance. At any point in time, the operator is in control and may activate/deactivate the support.
Equipped with Microsoft HoloLens, a head-mounted display and holographic computer, which enables users to engage digital content and interact with holograms, and customized developments, HuMan AR experts worked alongside Royo’s employees to test the first prototypes of the KIT solution. The objective of the sessions was to receive first hand feedback when assembling a bathroom cabinet using the KIT service.

To achieve this goal, several sessions were scheduled throughout the three days of testing. Primarily two groups of testers were formed, one with non-expert assemblers, and another with expert blue collar assemblers. Both groups were asked at the beginning and at the end of the test sessions to provide feedback through some questionnaires and by an exit interview.

Large amount of data were collected and will be analyzed in the coming months to improve the solution. Next real live testing is scheduled to happen approximately in April 2018 where more fine tuning will take place.
For more information, please contact us.