General Assembly in Valencia

Augmented Reality and Virtual reality converged during the second week of April at the HuMan General Assembly held in AIDIMME, at the sunny Spanish city of Valencia.
The first 18 months of the HuMan project have ended with the celebration of the General Assembly during the 11th and 12th of April, that congregated 24 professionals, belonging to the 9 organizations of the 6 countries that are part of the consortia.
During the assembly, advances from all the different work packages were presented, including the status of the technical developments of the 3 main technologies in which the project bases its research, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Exoskeletons.
One of the main objectives of HuMan is to provide of better working conditions and well-being for the workers at shop floor, motivate the interaction human/machine thanks to the automation provided by the HuMan technologies, and achieve optimal performances. In addition, the project aims to capture all tacit knowledge of experience workers to be later shared among less skillful workers.
During the meeting, several technical demonstration were scheduled for users and non-technical project members, so they could experiment and provide valuable feedback. HuMan three use cases, Spanish bathroom furniture manufacturer, Royo, aerospace giant, Airbus, and Italian robotic manufacturer, COMAU, will evaluate the technological solutions at their industrial facilities thanks to a methodology devised for the project.

To end this profitable meeting, next steps were drafted, especially important for the upcoming Review Meeting that will take place at the headquarters of one of our technical project members, The University of Santa Anna, located in Pisa, Italy. This meeting will take place from the 8th to the 11th of May.
The day before the General Assembly started, technical validations were assessed at the premises of Royo, also in Valencia, where workers were able to experiment the Augmented Reality services.